Tag: laravel

Creating Migrations with Liquibase

Liquibase is a versioning tool for databases. Currently, it’s on version 3.5 and is installed as a JAR. It has been on the market since 2006, and recently completed its 10th anniversary. In its feature list we have:

  • Code branching and merging
  • Multiple database types
  • Supports XML, YAML, JSON and SQL formats
  • Supports context-dependent logic
  • Generate Database change documentation
  • Generate Database “diffs”
  • Run through your build process, embedded in your application or on demand
  • Automatically generate SQL scripts for DBA code review
  • Does not require a live database connection

Why you need it?

Some frameworks comes with built-in solutions out of the box like Eloquent and Doctrine. There is nothing wrong with using something like that when you have only one DB per project, but when you have multiple systems, it starts to get complicated.

Since Liquibase works as a versioning tool, you can branch and merge as needed (like you would with code in git). You have contexts, which means changes can be applied to specific environments only, and tagging capabilities allow you to perform rollbacks.

A rollback is a tricky thing; you can either do an automatic rollback or define a script. Scripted rollbacks are useful when dealing with MySQL, for instance, where DDL changes are NOT transactional.

Guidelines for changelogs and migrations

  • MUST be written using the JSON format. Exceptions are changes/legacy/base.xml and changes/legacy/base_procedures_triggers.sql.
  • MUST NOT be edited. If a new column is to be added, a new migration file must be created and the file MUST be added AFTER the last run transaction.


There could be 3 main branches:

  • production (master)
  • staging
  • testing


  1. Create your changelog branch;
  2. Merge into testing;
  3. When the feature ready to staging, merge into staging;
  4. When the feature is ready, merge into production.




  • testing, staging and production DO NOT merge amongst themselves in any capacity;
  • DO NOT rebase the main branches;
  • Custom branch MUST be deleted after merged into production.

The downside of this approach is the diverging state between the branches. Current process is to, from time to time, compare the branches and manually check the diffs for unplanned discrepancies.

Procedures for converting a legacy database to Liquibase migrations

Some projects are complete monoliths. More than one application connects to it, and this is not a good practice. If you are working with that sort of project, I recommend you treating the database sourcing as its own repository, and not together with your application.

Writing migrations

This is a way I found for keeping the structure reasonably sensible. Suggestions are welcome.

Create the property file

Should be in the root of the project and be named liquibase.properties:

[code lang=text]
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
classpath: /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/usr/share/java/snakeyaml.jar
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
username: root
password: 123

The JAR files in the classpath can be manually downloaded or installed though the server package manager.

Create the Migration file

You can choose between different formats. I chose to use JSON. In this instance I will be running this SQL:

CREATE TABLE `mydb_users` (
`username` varchar(25) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
`activated` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
view raw mydb_users.sql hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Which will translate to this:

"databaseChangeLog": [
"changeSet": {
"id": "create_mydb_users",
"author": "gabidavila",
"changes": [
"createTable": {
"tableName": "mydb_users",
"columns": [
"column": {
"name": "id",
"type": "int unsigned",
"autoIncrement": true,
"constraints": {
"primaryKey": true,
"nullable": false
"column": {
"name": "username",
"type": "varchar(25)",
"encoding": "utf8",
"constraints": {
"nullable": true
"column": {
"name": "password",
"type": "varchar(255)",
"encoding": "utf8",
"constraints": {
"nullable": true
"column": {
"name": "activated",
"type": "tinyint",
"defaultValueNumeric": 0,
"constraints": {
"nullable": false
"modifySql": {
"dbms": "mysql",
"append": [
"value": " ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"

It is verbose? Yes, completely, but then you have a tool to show you what the SQL will look like and be able to manage the rollbacks.

Save the file as:

[code lang=text]
– changelog.json
– create_mydb_users.json

Where changelog.json looks like this:

"databaseChangeLog": [
"include": {
"file": "changes/create_mydb_users.json"
view raw changelog.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

For each new change you add it to the end of the databaseChangeLog array.

Run it

To run, execute:

[code lang=sh]
$ liquibase –changeLogFile=changes/changelog.json migrate

Don’t worry if you run it twice, the change only happens once.

Next post will cover how to add a legacy DB into Liquibase.

To learn how to go deeper into Liquibase formats and documentation, access this link.


Impressions over my talk at Laracon EU 2014

On August 28th I presented to Laracon EU my talk about gender diversity titled: Coding Like a Girl: How teams with women gain with diversity.

My objective was to show data supporting that having women in the team is a good idea and actually a good strategy. What concerned me was in the how to approach such sensitive subject. Not everyone feel confortable in talking about that and it is hard to be totally impartial with this subject. Besides, I didn’t want to be interpreted as a feminazi.

But I was really surprised by the amount of people who stayed to see my talk! You have to understand: as a Brazilian whom never spoke in an international event before, I was very nervous, not just about my English, but about the crowd. Kayla Daniels, Frank de Jonge and Scott Wilcox definitely helped me with my cold feet (thank you all!).

And this year Laracon EU had 2 tracks in the community day, so it meant the event would have another talk in the same time as mine! I was sure no one would attend mine, I was almost talking to Shawn McCool to change me to the small room and having the other speaker to talk in the bigger room I was almost bolting out of there. Hence my surprise (and scared) face when I saw a good 70% of the people there to see me talk.

When I started talking, it was clear for the attendees that I was freaking out! BUT, I was able to get my emotions in control because I saw people’s faces, and I could see that for many of them what I was talking about was totally news, it was “I did not know it was like that” face. Probably because the majority was White Males, and other minorities were… minorities!

To see my message being listened and understood, it was incredibly joyful! It really made me happy. Although, I saw a guy sleeping in his chair…

For that incredible experience, I want to thank Laracon EU organization for bringing me there and giving me the opportunity to meet such wonderful people there! Thank you Shawn!


My Slides:

My Joindin feedback: http://goo.gl/yy6lMf

P.S.: I will be giving his talk over Hangouts on Air this Thursday, September 18th, 2014, link to the event here: http://goo.gl/IwiVD8